Hoist the colors - Barotrauma update

This video will look at the latest update for Barotrauma called hoist the colors. We will be looking at the new weapons, submarine progression and quality of life features that have been added into the game. Turret guide - Submarine progression | (00:00) This section covers the new tier system, as well as the modifications made to the upgrade and submarine class system. Double coilgun | (2:10) Covering the new large turret hardpoints, we take a quick look at the double coilgun. Flak cannon | (03:00) The flak cannon is a brand new turret type, with new ammunition and damages. We cover the spreader, physicorium, directional and explosive flak ammo types. Draggable UI windows | (06:05) How the new draggable UI components work. Tutorials | (06:27) The new advanced tutorials section covers how to play each different role in more depth, giving a better overview of how each character’s class differs. Camel submarin
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