Aura Cleansing & Boost Positive Energy- RIFE Frequencies Treatment - Quantum Medicine

Cleanse your aura ! Your aura is the energy field that surrounds your body. It acts as a magnetic field of energy that picks up on emotions, health, psychic debris and circumstances around you. Your aura can experience stress as you exchange energies with those around you, which is exactly why you need to clean your auric field from time to time. BioResonance Therapy uses concepts of energy medicine and quantum physics to help the body’s self regulatory system. It describes the interaction between the bio-field of a living organism and frequency patterns that interact with specific parts of it. It assists the body by boosting the healing signals that pass between the immune system and all cells in the body, while suppressing the signals given off by allergens and other stressors. We’ve made a collection of videos that contain a combinaison of isolated Rife Frequencies (by Dr. Royal Raymond Rife) Specifics frequencies to harmonize the Aura, Chakras and Meridians Specifics Symbols (forms) to boost your
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