Парад кораблей в Клайпеде

Like every year, one weekend in May, so the following year 2010, everyone was invited to the cruise ship terminal and the war in Klaipeda, where he had the opportunity to meet and talk to soldiers, visiting military ships to inspect military vehicles, weapons and military equipment. This celebration will be held this year in conjunction with the new tradition of Klaipeda seaport develops a parade of ships, on May 22. It is planned that the festival began in “Meridian“ stretching to the company, “Klaipeda Ship Repair Dock. In this city are going to travel in advance - had been raised in the two bridges. The aim - to create a new image of a European Maritime City in line with the feast, which gives the start to the summer shipping season. After a symbol of the city, “Meridian“, the Dane River palydėtuvių roll craft - the parade participants. Later, the cruise ships terminal will be located in the 19th century a symbolic beginning of the city-port berth. Next t
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