The Death of John Lennon: The Morning After - GMA (Pt. 1 of 4)
Tuesday morning, Dec. 9th, 1980, ABC Television’s “Good Morning America“ featured extensive coverage of the tragic death of John Lennon. Hosts David Hartman and Stephanie Edwards interviewed many show business luminaries who knew John Lennon, or had worked with him during his career.
This is my video compilation of all the segments broadcast on “Good Morning America“ that day, spanning most of the two hours dedicated to reporting on the death of Mr. Lennon. My entire compilation of all these “Good Morning America“ segments has been edited into four separate videos.
In “Good Morning America“ video one, David Hartman opens the 7 o’clock hour announcing the death of John Lennon. Mr. Hartman then introduces ABC news anchorman, Steve Bell, who provides all the “hard news“ information surrounding Lennon’s death. A news video is presented, featuring a voice-over by Geraldo Rivera, who had a friendship with John Lennon. In the last segm