This is the most powerful guided meditation for healing , forgiveness and self love. If you want to let go and move on in life, this Ho’oponopono prayer will help you also raise your vibrations into positivity.
Listen to this for minimum 21 days while you sleep to change and raise you vibrations.
In this video, I repeat the Ho’oponopono - Original Prayer 108 times.
This exact number of repetitions will assist and support deep healing and forgiveness towards yourself or anybody else you wish to forgive.
Before you start, use your intention and attention. Focus on yourself or on another person, imagine you are creating a heart connection with yourself or with another person or situation you wish to forgive.
Allow the energy to do it’s work and continue to repeat the Ho’oponopono, up to 108 times.
Why 108?
Well this exact number of repetitions will assist and support deep healing and forgiveness towards yourself or anybody else you wish to forgive.
This is the ORIGINAL PRAYER of MORRNAH NALAMAKU SIMEONA, the promoter of the Ho’oponopono. What is ho’oponopono? The word “ho’o” means “cause” in Hawaiian, while “ponopono” means “perfection”.
The term “ho’oponopono” can be translated as: “correct a mistake” or “make it right”. It is a practice that does not require much teaching, but it is powerful to purify the body itself and get rid of bad memories or feelings, which hold the mind in a negative tune.
The process contains four key steps: love, repentance, forgiveness and gratitude.
Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice of forgiveness and reconciliation. Traditionally it was practiced by family members for a person who was physically ill as it was thought that guilt over errors the person had committed had made them sick. Modern researchers have found that the applications of Ho’oponopono can have far reaching implications and can be used in any situation, problem, issue, relationship or concern, simply by using your intention and attention to use these 4 key mantras for healing of all relationships and for manifestations of abundance and prosperity in all areas of your life.
Pump up the positivity! Energize the enthusiasm! Conquer the challenge of change and realize your dreams and ambitions!
It is all about the small everyday things. Daily input of selected, high-quality thoughts and wisdom for purpose driven life’s.
To stay motivated. To get motivated. To live motivated.
Love and Appreciation
I hope you enjoy this video !
And if you enjoy it, leave a thumbs-up and a comment and let us know from where are you watching and how you use the video.
Love and Appreciation
My name is Cristina and I’ve created Healing Sounds channel to share healing sounds, affirmations and meditations for those seeking fulfilment, confidence and clarity.
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With Love and Appreciation,
From Cristina
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Thank you 💗💗💗 🙏🙏🙏 💗💗💗
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