Crew of Guards missile cruiser Varyag undergoes planned drills in Mediterranean sea

Crew of Guards missile cruiser Varyag undergoes planned drills in Mediterranean sea ▫️The Varyag’s crew trained to located and destroy small speed targets. The sailors camouflaged the ship using a circular smokescreen, and the reinforcement groups trained to distribute targets well for their assured defeat in the context of a massive attack by uncoiled motorboats. The ship’s organic Kord and Utyos high calibre machine guns fired at the imitated targets. ▫️ Another episode of the exercise was the destruction of a floating sea mine that threatened peaceful navigation. ▫️ The cruiser’s crew then repelled the mock enemy’s attack by firing the AK-130 and AK-630 artillery systems on a target simulating a surface object. ▫️ Also on the Pacific Fleet’s flagship, the crew developed practical skills to protect the ship from the mock enemy air attack employing artillery fire and using the Fort SAM system. ▫️During missions to destroy submarines, the ship’s crew performed search, classificati... Source: MoD Russia
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