President Putin posthumously awarded the title Hero of Russia to Yemeni volunteer Asaad Tariq Al-Kanani who took part in the S

President Putin posthumously awarded the title “Hero of Russia” to Yemeni volunteer Asaad Tariq Al-Kanani who took part in the SMO. Also, the Russian president awarded him the Order of Courage posthumously. The award for his son was received by his father, whom Putin personally invited to Moscow. Tariq died in May 2024 on the Lugansk front. At the cost of his own life, he protected his wounded comrades, drawing fire on himself. He left behind a wife and daughter in Moscow. Russia will take over the maintenance of the family of a fighter of Arab origin, his children will in the future receive the right to free education at universities in the Russian Federation, the family will receive a new apartment by presidential decree. Source: Cyberspec News
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