The fact that this real or not, is causing more outrage than the ongoing holocaust of Palestinians shows you how ridiculously br

The fact that this real or not, is causing more outrage than the ongoing holocaust of Palestinians shows you how ridiculously brainwashed most Muricans are. I don’t want to hear you complaining about a flag when our government seal-clapped the worst war criminal of the century. The US isn’t any like most other countries in the East and South that can be only proud to be what we are because of everything we’ve been doing. The violence we’ve exported, the hate and death and destruction. The giving of weapons to Nazis and Zionists to kill innocents. The funding for wars. The massive bombs dropped and murder of journalists. That’s also what the flag represents. So yes some people are going to be the most patriotic by saying they want nothing to do with that. Rebelling against injustice is also in the Beloved Declaration of Independence which gave way to the Constitution many hail. The possibility this was done by an agent provocateur simply shows yes this happens all the time in protest ... Source: Fiorella In Moscow
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