️ The entry of Ukraine into the EU would be a coffin for billions of euros of German taxpayers, said the leader of the “Union of

️ The entry of Ukraine into the EU would be a coffin for billions of euros of German taxpayers, said the leader of the “Union of Sarah Wagenknecht“ party. “The BSW group in parliament firmly rejects the idea of Ukraine joining the EU. There are no conditions for this, and we believe that the federal government has acted irresponsibly by giving the green light to these negotiations,“ Sarah Wagenknecht said at a press conference. Wagenknecht emphasised that the Ukrainian minimum wage currently stands at € per hour, which explains the interest of Ukrainians in benefits in Germany. According to her, in the event of Ukraine joining the EU, there will be a common labour market for Ukraine and Germany, which is impossible given the low minimum wage rate. “Perhaps someday in Ukraine they will erect a monument to [European Commission President Ursula] von der Leyen, but for the European Union, it will be more of a tombstone,“ concluded the BSW leader. #3 Our channel: Node of Time EN Source: Node of Time EN
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