(17 Jul 2001)
1. Exterior Moscow State University
2. Wide shot zoom in to mid shot as Putin and Jiang walk in
3. Wide shot audience
4. Mid shot Putin and Jiang
5. Cutaway camera
6. SOUNDBITE: (Russian) Jiang Zemin, Chinese President
“History and today’s reality show that peace cannot be reached by force and especially it cannot be stabilised by military blocks. Destruction of international strategic balance and development of new weapon systems can only provoke an arms race and endanger peace worldwide.“
7. Pan audience
8. Wide shot Putin on stage
9. SOUNDBITE: (Russian) Vladimir Putin, Russian President
“First of all, I would like to express sincere gratitute to the General Secretary of China, and to all the Chinese leadership for the attention which they devote to the development of Russia-Chinese relations.“
11. Wide shot hall
12. Wide shot concert
13. Pan of Putin, Jiang listening
14. Wide shot interior hall
15. W
3 months ago 00:05:36 1
Restless Spirits - “Stop Livin’ To Live Online“ feat. Johnny Gioeli & Deen Castronovo