You Are The Reason Instrumental | Ketama

Instrumental Music, Instrumental Love Song by Ketama #YouAreTheReason #InstrumentalSong #Ketama KETAMA started in the mid 90s with Joji Alim on vocals and Bobot Robledo, for the back-up vocals and instrumentals. This is a Filipino band. In 1995, the band delivered a solitary named “You Are The Reason“ from their self-named You Are The Reason collection and it’s a guaranteed Original Filipino Music hit. DISCLAIMER: Absolutely no copyright encroachment intended. This video is for enjoyment purpose only. I don’t possess nor guarantee to claim anything in this video. The song and the photo(s)/video clip(s)/gif image(s) are the sole property of their legitimate and legal proprietors. Much thanks for sharing this in the internet. This is one of my favorites. I simply give accolade and recognition to the melody, the artist and the individuals behind this music by making this video and offering it to all the music lovers. All credit goes to the legitimate and legal proprietors of the apparent multitude of materials utilized in this video, as I express gratitude toward them wholeheartedly.
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