Differences between Conventional & Naturopathic care

Dr. Jennifer Lococo, ND interviews Dr. Rochagne Killian, MD about the differences in conventional and naturopathic care. Both doctors weigh in on the benefits of adapting an integrative health care model. Naturopathic medicine addresses the root cause of disease whereas conventional medicine seems to apply a band aid to the problem. This interview highlights the benefits of conventional medicine and when to use it, as well as outlines when to utilize naturopathic/holistic medicine. The purpose of this interview is to educate the public on what the conventional healthcare model should be used for and what the naturopathic medical model should be used for. When the public is educated on when to use each model the outcome will be a healthier and more knowledgeable community. Utilizing both models will also help shrink wait times in emergency rooms as well as walk in clinics. Dr. Rochagne Killian, MD specializes in emergency medicine on a day to day basis during her practice as an ER doctor. Dr. Jennifer Lococo,
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