Trailer for “The Life and Legacy of Jacob Boehme“

The film can be purchased online at Vimeo On Demand. It is available with English, Portuguese, French, Czech, Italian and Dutch subtitles and with German dubbing. It is also available on DVD in Polish including Czech subtitles. Available on Vimeo On Demand or Amazon. Includes subtitles in English. To watch the film in different languages, and in DVD format, visit the official website: “By far the best modern attempt to visualize the meaning of Boehme’s mystical thought“. -- Andrew Weeks, author of Boehme, An Intellectual Biography of the 17th-Century Philosopher and Mystic, and translator of Aurora (1612) and The Three Principles of Divine Being (1619). “The Life and Legacy of Jacob Boehme“ is the first biographical documentary about Jacob Boehme (1575–1624), one of the most interesting European thinkers and most influential mystic of Western esoteri
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