Zouk Musicality: The String | Walter & Anikas | Minsk, Belarus
Музыкальность в зуке: струна | Бразильское лето в октябре вместе с Вальтером и Аникой в Минске | BRAZIL SUMMER WEEKEND WITH WALTER FERNANDES & ANIKAS POKLAD | OCTOBER 17-18, 2015 MINSK, BELARUS | Music: . (С.К.А.Й.) - Struna (Струна) | REVIEW below: “The string is stretched...”
Walter & Anikas hear this song by the Ukrainian group . for the first time at the end of their zouk musicality class in Minsk, Belarus. The masters are challenged to do the dance improvisation just listening to the mu
4 months ago 00:04:20 1
Baila Mundo - Allan Maia & Vitoria Lima | Zoe Wees - Control
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ALIGASH - Half a Dream [Pure Trance NEON]
5 months ago 00:03:54 10
Malía - Faz Uma Loucura Por Mim | Brazilian Zouk Dance | Fernando Perotti & Jéssica Santh | #dance