MxPx - My Mistake (Between This World and the Next)

It seems like everytime I open my mouth, I’m wrong about something. So why not write a proper song for the many occasions? We came up with the video ideas for this song and got to relive our childhoods. In the original video we all wake up in our teen bedrooms and go absolutely berserker to the song. This was basically a re-inaction of my pre teen and pre band years! Wanna know the song I most often pretended to perform to a sold out stadium? Summer of 69 by Bryan Adams!! (lightbulbs lighting up everywhere) Shortly after that I discovered punk rock and the rest is still history in the making!! We’re still going!! The best part is that all of our many mistakes have led us down the path that we’re on right now. (Which turned out to a good path) Mistakes are gonna be made but it’s how you handle them and how you learn from them that really makes a difference. Don’t enjoy your mistakes. Learn from them! Artist: MxPxSong: “My Mistake”
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