Как живут кочевники в России сегодня? Коренные малочисленные народы России - Теленгиты

How Nomads live in Russia? Small-numbered Indigenous Peoples of Russia - Telengits The Telengits are the indigenous people of Russia. They live at the junction of four states - Russia, China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan, in the generous Chelushmanskaya valley and in the fertile Chuya steppe of the Altai Mountains. They have their own distinctive dialect of the Altai language, which retained elements of the Eastern Hun dialect. The Telengits have preserved their traditional costume, classes, and rituals. The worldview of the Telengits is connected with the veneration of the spirits of Nature, and the corresponding rituals are carried out to this day. At present, the number of Telengits in Altai does not exceed 3,000 people. They live compactly in the Kosh-Agach and Ulagan regions. The Telengits have preserved authentic traditions of family relations (for example, children call their parents only with “You”, and the names of especially revered relatives are never pronounced), colorful wedding
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