Psychology of Yoga, day 3 (Shri Prem Prayojan Prabhu)
- by Brajendra Nd for _AILE_ @
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welcOMe to the world of
All-Integral Love-Expansiom (.-)
among many others we also offer manuals,
workshops & coachings for:
-Holistic HumanSpecific Nutrition,
-Divine-Pastime based ,
& -* Journeys*
below is a brief extract of what else we offer
to share with awakening souls all over the world:
.- Satsang, Workshops or Meditations
with Brajendra Nd (1-7=days of the week):
1- 1Avatar-Yoga and Meditatiom (DAYaM)
2- Matrix Alignment (OLMA)
3- Shakti Avatar Sadhana (SAS)
4- Integral Harmony Communication (IHC)
5- Shri Chaitanya,s Pure DivineLove (SCPDL)
6- Integral Internal Family Alignment (IIFA Rasa-Yoga)
- Relatiom Archetypes and Mirrors (RAaM-Vedic Tarot and more)
7- (no satsang, day of rest)
many more topics are available on request!
🌈 if u know who might benefit
in Brajendra sharing his more then 23 years
of meditation and healing experiences with them,
u/they can invite him to for satsangs,
meditations, workshops, coachings or healings
🌈 u may use the contact form on
or write to Brajendra on FB messenger
or insta @ailexpansiom
or to 108LSA@
further we have some more Love-ExpansiOM videos:
if u like to support the expansion of our soul-services
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USDT (erc20) : 0x66e63eee377644b3fc1b5859f71d630d963f4c54
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🕉 may All-Integral Love-Expansiom be with u
and all your provisional identities ;-)
yours affectionately Brajendra Nd
🕉 Jai Amrita-Dhanvantari 🕉
🕉 Jai Nitai-Gauranga 🕉
🕉 Jai Shri Radhe-Shyam! 🕉
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