Revisited: Breakin’ broom scene with Michael “Turbo” Boogaloo Shrimp Chambers!

Many people have visited 4323 Melrose Avenue in the past to see where Turbo did his iconic Broom Sequence. Michael has done some interviews in that exact spot (which is now a tattoo parlor). But Michael was blown away when for one night only, we turned back the clock and redressed the tattoo parlor to look just like it did in Breakin’! The air that night (May 2018) was electric. It was magical. Michael had recently had surgery on his knee and foot, so he was limited in what he could do that night, but through sheer will power, he was able to work through the pain to make this happen. We jumped in at the end, and a lifelong dream was fulfilled. To not only breakdance with Boogaloo Shrimp, but to do it in the exact spot he had layed down legendary moves, and also to have it dressed to look the same as it did in 1984, I’ll never forget it. Enjoy!
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