Masterpieces of Tibetan and Nepalese Art - New York Metropolitan Museum Of Art

Masterpieces of Tibetan and Nepalese Art featuring Head of Bhairava the Wrathful Form of Shiva, Vishnu Riding on Garuda, Achala Destroyer of Ignorance with Consort, Chakrasamvara and Vajravarahi, Mandala of the Sun God Surya Kitaharasa, Ushnishavijaya Enthroned in the Womb of a Stupa, Mahakala, Protector of the Tent, Mandala of Raktayamari, Buddha Shakyamuni as Lord of the Muni, White Tara and Green Tara, Buddha Sakyamuni and Scenes of His Previous Lives Jataka Tales, Seated Buddha Reaching Enlightenment, T
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