How to make a super-realistic oyster shell mother of pearl imitation, using Premo and Pardo clays. There are color recipes for both Premo and Pardo during the video.
Remember this is to get the oyster shell type of mother of pearl. For other types, you can tweak the amount of color you’re adding. If you decide to color your Premo with mica powders only, do not add any colored clay to the mixes, as the colored mica powders have pigment and will color your clay.
I will do the project with this in a separate video. I did not want to make too long of a video and this is too pretty to mess it up, you deserve a full length process.
Cabochon mold:
For the mica powders, use the “interference“ colors of Pearl Ex
Happy claying!
I buy my Premo, Fimo and Pardo clays and many other supplies from PolyClay Play.