TFC Дай Мені Крик (Give Me A Scream) (ukrainian version) (official video)

First Professional Freezelight Music Video. TFC. Give Me A Scream. Full HD TFC is an abbreviation which wouldn’t even give a slightest hint to an experienced listener. It is an unexpected collaboration of well known musicians and they call it “style reincarnation“. But the band’s genre is difficult to identify and, perhaps there is no need to. Undeniable mood of the first band’s single “Give Me A Scream“ (UKR: Dai Meni Kryk) is quickly captured by a listener from the very first bar. This is a search in the urban jungle, expectation of a long-awaited light, longed feelings, strong emotions, a scream for freedom, a jump into the unknown... It’s a fast lane highway, moving in the direction of Sunrise. A road as a dream... If you’re traveling... this is about YOU. The International collaboration TFC united musicians from Ukraine and USA - Lviv, Kiev, Los Angeles. Lyrics were partially written by Natalie Wilde (Los Angeles, CA). Wilde is known
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