20 Criticisms of Christianity and Creation ANSWERED

Does Christianity lack logic, reason, and evidence? Worse, is it “the cancer of humanity”? Is the Bible “just fairy stories and ancient scribblings”? Is the God of the Bible a moral monster? Are Christians hypocrites who brainwash their children? Are they just driven by fear of punishment? Are creationists science deniers who “tell lies for Jesus”? These, and many more, are criticisms of Christianity and biblical creation that we hear regularly. If even _half_ of these claims were true, Christianity would be a wretched religion indeed! But they’re _not_ true! In fact, many of these criticisms don’t even withstand _low-level_ scrutiny, much less serious appraisal! Join Dr Don Batten for rapid answers to 20 common criticisms of Christianity and biblical creation. ⏳ TIMESTAMPS 00:00 Teaser 00:37 Introduction: Answering criticisms of Christianity and biblical creation 01:03 #1: Are Christians hypocrites? 01:51 #2: The Bible: “Just fairy stories and ancient scribblings”? 02:53 #3: Are creationists science deniers? 03:43 #4: Is God a moral monster? 04:45 #5: Is God tolerant of evil? 05:35 #6: “Couldn’t there have been millions of years between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2?” 06:18 #7: 2 Peter 3:8 says “a day is like a thousand years”. So, creation took a long time??? 06:59 #8: Are Christians driven by fear of punishment? 07:55 #9: Is Christianity “the cancer of humanity”? 08:53 #10: “Typical creationists: Lying for Jesus” 09:42 #11: “Christians are indoctrinating their children” 10:29 #12: Why is it wrong to believe creation days were not 24-hour days? 11:10 #13: Can the Hebrew word for ‘day’ (yom) mean a long period of time? 12:05 #14: “Dead people stay dead; the resurrection of Jesus is just a Christian story” 12:58 #15: “Religion lacks logic and reason” 13:59 #16: “I can’t believe in a magical man in the sky” 14:55 #17: Is there evidence for God and the Bible, outside of the Bible itself? 15:40 #18: “Christians have been brainwashed” 16:19 #19: “Calling the Bible a reliable historical record is utter nonsense” 16:53 #20: How can humans live forever? 17:44: Conclusion: There are answers! ✍️ LINKS AND SHOW NOTES General: Countering the Critics Q&A – Question #1 – ‘Christianity must be wrong because of all the hypocrites in the church!’ – Question #2 – Archaeology Q&A – Question #3 – ‘It’s not science’ – Question #4 – Is God a ‘moral monster’? – Question #5 – Why did God allow sin at all? Question #6 – What about gap theories? Question #7 – 2 Peter 3:8—‘one day is like a thousand years’ – Question #8 – How to have a right relationship with God – Question #9 – Book review: ‘The Air We Breathe: How we all came to believe in freedom, kindness, progress, and equality’ – Question #10 – Professing Christian claims is ‘full of lies’ – Question #11 – Indoctrinating children – Question #12 – Biblical reasons to affirm the creation days were 24 hour periods – Question #13 – Genesis 1: YÔM ≠ eon – Question #14 – The resurrection and Genesis – Question #15 – Loving God with all your mind: Logic and creation – Question #16 – God, miracles, and logic – Question #17 – The Bible: Is it guilty until proven innocent? – Question #18 – Faith and facts – Question #19 – Archaeology Q&A – Question #20 – The new Earth – 📚 HELPFUL RESOURCES • The Air We Breathe book – • Christianity for Skeptics book – • The Creation Answers Book – • How Christianity Transformed the World book – • Refuting the New Atheists (streaming video) – 💙 SOCIAL MEDIA ► Facebook: ► TikTok: @creationministries ► Instagram: ► X / Twitter: ► eNewsletter: 📅 EVENTS We present at _hundreds_ of events around the world each year. To see what events are happening near you, or to request a creation presentation in _your_ Church (or other gathering) visit: Thanks for watching!
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