Mallari | Vivartana - the art studio | Sushmitha Suresh
Reworked into a group
Raga - Gambhira nattai
Tala - Chatushra Eka
Choreography and direction - Sushmitha Suresh
Dancers -
Madhura Priya
Pooja Tayal
Akshaya Kumar
Videography - The Shutter Elf
Edit - The Shutter Elf
Venue - Thryambaka Studios
Music Credits
Kalakriya Series
Smt. Priyadarsini Govind
Smt. Preethy Mahesh
Assisted by - Kaviya Harshethaa
Vivartana - the art studio does not own the rights to this music.
4 months ago 00:26:26 1
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