A selection of old skool 90s and 00s ambient Jungle tracks, from the PS1, PS2 and N64 era.
00:09 Share The Vibes - Rowpieces
07:05 Zero - J Laze
11:55 Gulfstream - Greenfly
16:50 Who Are You - Omni Trio
20:54 Voyager - Apollo
25:55 Inner Worlds - Artemis
31:59 Other Worlds - Kloke
35:44 Angel Makers - Klute
40:03 Opium Lady - Naibu
44:01 Brown Sugar - Akasha
46:40 Hope & Inspiration - EZ Rollers
50:20 Elysian Fields - Special Request
54:00 Look at the Lights - Damian’s Ghost
57:18 Heartbreak in Paradise - Theory
1:02:38 All I remember - Damian’s Ghost
1:05:30 Sun Stars - Artemis
1:11:13 Liquid 94 - Dead Man’s Chest
1:14:11 Stretch - Ken Ishii
1:17:29 Asrtal Travel - Bungle
1:21:58 Like a Gold Le Fou (Artemis Mix) - Sugizo
1:25:57 Adentures in Eden - Om Unit
1:31:37 One & Only - PFM
1:36:35 All The Time - Time Reaper, Comfort Zone
1:41:28 Brilliant Europa (Artemis Mix) - Sugizo
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