Produced by : Chad Kreda, Splinters.
Mix and Mastered by : Nick Broomhall of Architect Tiger Studios
Video By : Kevin Lynch
Starring : Chae Dompierre
Make it stop
It’s always running circles in my head
Strapped to the bed
Will I ever make it out
Fuck you, you piece of shit
I always knew that it was all you
Please just stop it
I swear I can’t just fucking drop it
It’s tearing me up from the inside
I just fucking
I just want to die
I told you that I’m not
I’m not the crazy one
No more
I’m not the crazy one
Here’s the pills that you gave me
Tell me how they won’t save me
Feeling the numbing in your veins
Now you’re the one who’s in sane
Oh fuck
How does it feel to be strapped to the bed
Now feel the pain of the pills being force fed
Tell me What’s it feel like
Being held against your will
It’s not me
You’re the one who’s mentally ill
2 months ago 00:26:41 7
Syphon Filter 1 - Почти кратко, почти пересказ, почти обзор.