Electric boat world record | 24 hours electric range record

Candela C-8 Polestar Powered has set a new record for longest distance driven by an electric boat in a day! We did 777 km (420 NM) in 24 hours, equivalent to driving from Amsterdam to London and back by car. Together with battery maker Northvolt and charging provider Plug, the Candela C-8, Powered by Polestar batteries, beat the prior claimed record of 79 NM in 20 hours. The average speed during the 24-hour run was 17 knots, including charging breaks. Quick facts about the record: - With a corridor of DC chargers, we could have driven the 240 nm from Stockholm to Helsinki in 13 hours, 3 hours faster than the Finland ferry. - The 420 nautical mile record run cost €120 euros worth of electricity, whereas a conventional fossil fuel boat would have used fuel for around €1400. - A conventional fossil fuel boat would also have emitted around 1785 kg of carbon dioxide over 420 nm. The C-8 emitted 17,4 kg, according to the standard Swedish electricity mix. That equates to 99% less CO2 emitted.
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