Too Cute, a Silly 3D Animation Breakdown in Blender

An overview of some of the techniques used to create a silly easter bunny animation in Blender. Blender file available, along with many other things from my Patreon: Stay in touch via Twitter: Sounds from: iPad app used for pixel art texture: 0:00 - Intro 0:08 - Modelling with Quadsphere’s 0:48 - Drawing the UI 1:27 - Background glows 1:44 - Material swatches 2:09 - The eyes! 2:31 - Exploding eyes 2:58 - Pixel egg textures with Pixaki iPad app 3:24 - Bunny materials and hair 4:48 - Studio lighting 5:08 - Rigging 5:47 - Animation 7:15 - Rendering and sound design 8:29 - Outro
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