Protection of Seven Arch Angels, Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Jehudiel, Uriel, Sealtiel, Barachiel

Invoking the powerful intercession & protection of the Seven Arch Angels, whose special function is to “stand before God’s throne“ (Tobit 12:15; Revelation 8:2-5).. The existence of the spiritual, non-corporeal beings that Sacred Scripture usually calls ’angels’ is a truth of faith.(CCC 328) Keep this prayer running in your background, let the Holy Arch Angels descend around you, your habitat ... Repeat : Bless the Lord, All you His Angels, You who are Mighty in strength And do His Will. Intercede for me At the throne of God, And by your unceasing watchfulness Protect me in every danger Of soul and body. Bless the Lord, All you His Angels, You who are Mighty in strength And do His Will. Intercede for me At the throne of God, And by your unceasing watchfulness Protect me in every danger Of soul and body. Obtain for me The grace of final perseverance, So that after this life I may be admitted To your glorious company And may sing with you T
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