Serpens Lvx - HENDECAGRAMICON [2023 - Full]

1. Raping The 7 Mothers Ov Kaoz (Point of Ingress) 0:00 2. TZINAKANKAMAZOTZ (Aztec Vampyrism) 1:07 3. I Am The Adversary (Impii Irreligiosi Carnivoribus Immortalibus) 6:22 4. Gnosis Cipactli Tiamat 13:12 5. Salve La Muerte! 18:11 6. Anticosmic Eroticism (Sexual Black Light Magick) 24:32 7. Formulation of Qayin 30:33 8. Stabbing The Eye Of The Sun 35:43 9. Set-Typhon In Apep (Quetzalcoatl Decapitated) 42:00 10. Dehexecrated Graveyard Of Galaxies 47:33 11. Tlazolteotl Mantra (Point Of Egress) 53:03 [HENDECAGRAMICON: Adversarial Ethos Exoterically Unlocking Shrines Of Dissolution] @serpenslvxbandofficial7922
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