Proud to be a Brony (Fusion Remix)

This song is dedicated to all of you Bronies who make me Proud to be part of this incredible fandom! An epic bro-hoof from me to you! /) Download here: Instrumental Download: Original here: This song would have been a LOT MORE difficult to create were it not for Caerdwyn’s amazing gifts and support! Caerdwyn, I’ve said it a million times and I’ll say it again; You... Are... AWESOME!!! To reiterate: I’m proud to be a brony not because I’m proud to watch a TV show, but because I’m proud to be part of a fandom that is shattering stereotypes, inspiring incredible art, music, animation and... fan-fiction, and is slowly uniting the world. Hardware Used: Casio WK-6500 Keyboard Mac Mini and HP DV7 Computers Audio Technica AT2020 USB
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