Master Design Patterns & SOLID Principles in C# - Full OOP Course for Beginners - Part 3
In this comprehensive and beginner-friendly course, you will learn all of the tools that you need to become an advanced OOP programmer, writing clean and maintainable software.
What you will learn:
- Fundamental OOP concepts, such as inheritance, composition, encapsulation, abstraction, composition vs inheritance, fragile base class problem.
- Unified Modeling Language (UML) to model your classes and objects, and the relationships between them in a graphical way.
- All five SOLID Principles.
- All 23 “Gang of Four“ software design patterns.
💻 Github repo:
✏️ Course created by Dan Adams. Check out his channel: @doabledanny?sub_confirmation=1
A book and cheatsheet for this course are also available:
🔗 eBook ...