The Skeletal System - Skeletal System Functions - Skeletal System Basics

In this video I discuss the basic components and functions of the skeletal system. I also discuss what are ligaments, and what do ligaments do. What are tendons, and what do tendons do. What is cartilage, and what does cartilage do. Transcript The skeletal systems main components include bones, of which the body has 206 in total, ligaments, which join one bone to another, tendons, which connect muscle to bones, and cartilage, which is a form of connective tissue. The skeletal systems main functions include support, as the skeleton provides a structure that allows the body to stand, sit, or take on other positions. Where bones meet, they form joints, most of which are flexible, allowing the body to move. The skeleton also provides protection to some organs, as the brain is protected by the skull, and the heart is protected by the rib cage. Some bones contain red bone marrow that produces new red blood cells daily. Some bones act as storage containers for some minerals
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