【Eng Sub | 240210 Gong Jun 龚俊 VOGUE 】龚俊Simon与我们分享了自己与“当当当当”的故事,新的一年也希望大家能够多多“当当当当”!#龚俊 #GongJun #龔俊

In 2023, Vogue has met countless “moments of beauty“ On the set, there is always a familiar voice “Dang dang dang dang“ It exists at the moment when every attempt is made to open the curtain Confidently reveal the best of oneself and at the moment of surprise. “Dang dang dang dang“ is like mysterious gift-opening music. When you pass beauty through confidence. Gong Jun has shared his story about “Dang dang dang dang” with us. 2024新年VOGUE特别企划 在刚刚过去的2023年,VOGUE已与无数“美的时刻”相遇。而在片场,总有一个熟悉的声音响起——“当当当当”。它存在于每次试装拉开布帘自信地展示最好自己的那刻,也存在于惊喜降临的刹那。 “当当当当”就像神秘礼物开箱的音乐,当你因自信而传递美,这个“惊叹号”最终也会回到自己身边。龙年将至,龚俊Simon 与我们分享了自己与“当当当当”的故事,新的一年也希望大家能够多多“当当当当”! #GongJun #SimonGong #龚俊 #龚俊Simon #龔俊 #공준 #ゴンジュン #กงจวิ้น #cungtuấn
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