【Eng Sub | 240111 Gong Jun 龚俊 361 Degrees】登登!361°领操员 龚俊Simon 花絮已送达!这么努力只为把好运带给你~ #龚俊 #GongJun #龔俊
361°’s Global Brand Spokesperson Gong Jun’s behind-the-scenes footage has been delivered!
Working hard just to bring good luck to you~ Join Gong Jun, relax your shoulders, stretch your waist, and give a thumbs up to the Year of the Dragon.
登登!361°领操员 龚俊Simon 花絮已送达!这么努力只为把好运带给你~
#GongJun #SimonGong #龚俊 #龚俊Simon #龔俊 #공준 #ゴンジュン #กงจวิ้น #cungtuấn