Latest progress in rescue of 9 stranded whales in Zhejiang, China | 中國浙江救助9頭擱淺鯨魚的最新進展

😃 Like and Subscribe: Nine melon-headed whales were rescued Tuesday after becoming stranded in shallow water for hours off east China’s Zhejiang Province. Local police received a report at about 08:00 Tuesday of 12 whales spotted hundreds of meters from the shore in the city of Linhai, Zhejiang. After receiving reports of the whales - three of which were later confirmed to have died, local fire crews, police and ocean administration officers were immediately dispatched to the scene, and began moving the nine surviving whales to temporary shelters. Cranes and stretchers were used in the rescue efforts and the release of two whales. “Among the nine melon-headed whales, the two in bad condition have been transferred to Taizhou Ocean World in Jiaojiang District and are receiving professional care there. After being assessed by experts, two other whales with stable vital signs and in good condition are being released in the open sea un
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