Митя Бурмистров - битбоксер Казани выступает на “Больших Играх Мегафон“.
Mitya Burmistrov aka Masta Mic is a talanted beatboxer from Kazan, Russian Federation. This guy is really amazing! Probably he is one of the best beatboxers of Russia.
This video is a part of his performance at Kazan “Big Games of Megafon“ Show. The show was organized by Megafon (Russian cellular communication operator) with support of goverment and Russian Olympic games comittee. The aim of the show was presentation of new computermobile technologies, popularization of sport. Masta Mic was the only beatboxer there. Besides, there was amazing moto freestyle show, sport cars (Mitjet, Nissan 300 Z, Smart Roadster, Smart Crossblade, Smart City Coupe, Legend, Ariel Atom) drift and some contests and games for visitors, e.g. segway drive, bandy, biathlon, bobsleighing, etc.
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