TLC No Scrubs - Live Electronic Cover / Remix

#TLC No Scrubs Live #Cover / #Remix You can download The audio on my patreon! But also... I multitrack recorded this live session. I will be sharing the stems for this in a week. So you can have a look and see what was going on, what bits were going where and what not. All thats over on my patreon so go check that here :- Patreon :- CHECK OUT MY MUSIC ON SPOTIFY :- Paypal :- Thanks for all the support, as the above is how i keep this project afloat, as i don’t think i’d be able to develop projects like the furby organ and gameboy mega machine otherwise so thanks! :D. This was a tough one to get down. Singing and concentrating on wires aaaaaaajkfosdglgfdhhhhhhh ... But a little insight into this :- Sequenced by two Arturia Beatstep pro’s The first beatstep was controlling the two synth lines that were running, which i programmed in at the start on the keyboard. It also controls all the drums, running between
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