Musical Instruments Quiz | Musical Instruments ESL Game

This Musical Instruments Quiz has 10 different instruments. You have to guess the sound in this Musical Instruments ESL game. #musicalinstruments #musicalinstrument #guessthesound Firstly, you will hear the sound of a musical instrument. You have over 5 seconds to guess the sound. Secondly, a wall will come crashing down and you can see a video clip of the instrument. Thirdly, you will see 3 choices with 3 different musical instruments. This is where you can use this video as a Musical Instruments Quiz. Finally, the answer is revealed. In the first part, we recommend making this into a fun guess the sound game. You will be given over 5 seconds with just the musical instrument playing where students can guess what it is with just the sound. If they can’t guess, you can let them guess when the beautiful video clips play. Students will have another chance to guess when the 3 choices are shown. Teachers can have a lot of fun with this video either in the classroom or online. Your class will love this video as a Musical instruments quiz or a musical instruments ESL game. We recommend that teachers pause the video to give students more time to answer if they need. You can support us by buying us a coffee:
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