I Love You, Mommy by Jillian Harker | Read Aloud Books For Kids

#readaloudbooksforkids #readoutloud #readouloudforkids #audiobooksforkids #ecebooksforkids #preschoolbooksreadaloud #toothfairystoriesforkids#socialemotionalbooksforkids #книгидлядітейанглійською #аудіокнигидлядітей #аудіокнигидлядітейанглійською #книгидлядітейзмалюнками #книгидлядетей #уадиокнигидлядетей #книгидлядетейнаанглийском #учиманглийскийсдетьми #английскиекнигидлядетей Hello my dear readers! Welcome to the Wonder World! Today we’ll read a great book - I Love You, Mommy by Jillian Harker. This gentle, heart-warming story celebrates the tender love of a bear mother for her little cub. Little Bear is so eager to run off and try new things that he fails to listen to his mother’s advice, but after a few mishaps, Little Bear sees the wisdom in listening to what she has to say. I Love You, Mommy celebrates the bond between children and their mother with this wonderful story and beautifully illustrated book. I hope you enjoy our story time! Check out the channel for other wonderful books, fun craft videos and science experiments! Please Subscribe to my channel! Every single subscriber means a lot 💖 and helps my channel to grow! Check out my creative channel Julia’s Craft Room There you could find great craft videos and tutorials.
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