An Interior Designers Own Nordic-Inspired Apartment (Apartment Tour)

Located in Sydney’s Elizabeth Bay, Solid Air by Design Studio is an interior designer’s own home that is imbued with a renewed rhythm and voice that speaks to the owner’s Scandinavian heritage. Upon arrival, the apartment immediately stood out to the owner with its arched windows, high ceilings and window seats that complemented the home’s interior. Yet, as with all projects, Design Studio worked to draw out the unique aesthetic of the apartment with architecture and furniture design. Beginning with removing some of the walls in the apartment, Design Studio delved into an array of contemporary design methods that revealed the home’s true nature. Additionally, as the inspiration of song comes into play with each project that Design Studio works on, Anna-Carin chose the song Solid Air by John Martyn to influence the interior design. With the apartment tour beginning in the hallway space, Design Studio has placed two main rooms on the left and two to
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