David Chappell: Who Will Save Us Now (Epic Electronic Powerful Cinematic)

Available at: I swear like 85% of this is reverb Anyways. Something a little bit different this time. Mostly trying to put a bit of EDM influence into a track. EDM’s actually one of my favourite genres to listen to... wouldn’t exactly think that considering I’ve never actually released anything with any sort of EDM in it. Also a bit of post rock, my other favourite genre. So this track is kind of a mish mash of all the genres I like listening to, hence the 4 vaguest descriptors possible. And also, I suppose, a bit more of an active effort to not be so bloody derivative and try to get a sound that’s even slightly more unique. In any case, I really had fun making this one. Might even be my favourite track so far. Certainly the longest one I’ve released under my own name, so that’s a boost. Woooop. Phew. I think that’s all. So anyways, I hope you like this new track, and thank you as ever for listening! Image: **All my music is copyrighted, however, if you want to use my music in a non monetized/ non commercial youtube video, feel free! Just please credit me with links to my youtube/ soundcloud/ bandcamp pages in the description. Copyright notifications will be made on any videos using my music - these are nothing to worry about and will not affect your video. My tracks are registered with Adrev’s ContentID, which means you can use my music for free and still support me. **For other uses, or if you want to monetize your video, please get in touch (david@) and we can discuss licensing. Thanks!
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