’To hell with the Green Deal!’ - Protesters rally against EU policies and cheap imports in Krakow

’To hell with the Green Deal!’ - Protesters rally against EU policies and cheap imports in Krakow Dozens of farmers, miners, foresters and supporters gathered in Krakow on Saturday to rally against cheap imports from Ukraine, regulations imposed by the European Union and the Green Deal. Footage shows protesters waving Polish flags and holding up banners reading ’Tusk spits in Poles’ faces!’ ’Pol exit!’ and ’Tusk, where is the rule of law?’ Demonstrators can also be heard chanting ’This is Poland, not Brussels!’ “We want it to be like before. Enough paying for others! It has to be cheap and our way! We should have the right to choose. Poland should be free! And not under some stupid orders imposed by the EU,“ one protester said. Source: RT News
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