The situation in the areas under the occupation of Takfiri terrorists of Al-Qaeda/Jabhat al-Nusra backed by NATO in northwest

🇸🇾 The situation in the areas under the occupation of Takfiri terrorists of Al-Qaeda/Jabhat al-Nusra backed by NATO in northwest of Syria is chaotic and popular protests against livelihoods, repressions, lack of jobs, proper health and looting of people by numerous terrorist groups have caused the leaders of Jabhat al-Nusra to request help from Erdoğan. In this video, the leader of one of the terrorist armed groups, whose number may not even reach 200 people and has named itself “brigade“, talks about the complete recapture of Syrian territory and the defeat of the Syrian army and its allies. This level of illusion and misunderstanding is only specific to this group that 13 years ago when they were igniting the fire of sedition in this country, they never understood what would happen to them and today they are gathered in a corner of the northwest of Syria and their eyes are on the developments of the world and Israel aid in aggression on Syria. It is matter of time that with a polit... Source: Lord Of War
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