While More Truckers Hit New York City With Shutdown, Look At What They’re Doing In Response!

While More Truckers Hit New York City With Shutdown, Look At What They’re Doing In Response! 🔹 SALEDADDY1 LΙNKS - 🔸 GΕT ΕΜΕRGΕNCΥ FΟΟD SUΡΡLΥ WΙTH 25 ΥR SΗΕLF-LΙFE - 🔹 HOW ΟUR ΑNCESΤORS SURVΙVΕD W/OUΤ ELECΤRΙCITΥ! - 🔸 NOΑH VR GAME ΡRΟJECT - 🔹 GΟLD AND SΙLVΕR ΗΕRE - In my latest video, I talk about the latest with the truckers. With NYC having a shutdown, we are now seeing a response. I also talk about the latest with Walmart, airline passengers and much more.
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