Metallica: Take The Throne (Fanmade Music Video)

Lyrics: Can you see yourself? The lies you said I won’t believe in them But you’re keeping lies Safe from the truth Once again the right Men are sleeping While this evil wins Waiting for the great Nothing to fight Can you see me standing here and now? Yes you can but you know I will bow ’Cause the spirit Slowly dying Is telling you that you will keep the crown Somehow if I move I’ll die alone No one here is ready they are gone Never learning Never fighting That way we can’t bring back the hope And take the throne Memories they count Are they still sure That nothing is in doubt? Anyway they can’t live From the past I really hate The words you planted In my head and soul Saying hope is near While you still reign Can you see me standing here and now? Yes you can but you know I will bow ’Cause the spirit Slowly dying Is telling you that you will keep the crown
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