klaroline perfection VS the victory party [HUMOUR/CRACK TVD 3x21] KILL HER!

[720p:HD is a fabulous thing!] _______________________________________________ update: watched the season finale. I’m still crying. everything is fucked up. stelena. again. klaus kind of dead. again. no klaroline. again. this is all wrong and I’m not happy at all. if chair doesn’t happen next week I’m seriously depressed. okay, klaus is not really dead and julie plec said that there’s a chance he’ll come back in season 4 but still.. I don’t want klaroline to happen that way. caroline kissing him thinking it’s tyler and then.. ugh.. that’s wrong. don’t even get me started on the freaking damon.../elena/stefan triangle. too shocked to care. I should have posted this a week ago but I wasn’t home so.. here we go! you can’t imagine how upset I was about the whole episode 3x21. 30 seconds of klaroline perfection, then they “kill“ klaus and caroline throws a fucking victory party. are you kidding me? she can be in love with tyler an
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