The Humbler - Danny Gatton - Feature Documentary

“The Humbler - Danny Gatton“ feature documentary sends out a Big Thanks To ALL Our Supporters!! Big News!! “The Humbler - Danny Gatton“ will premiere at Dances With Films in Los Angeles, on June 30th, 7pm at the beautiful Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, California. This is a big honor for us and a great festival to begin our journey on the festival circuit. Thank you for helping us get up this mountain!! We are working on many more festival screenings. Background on the journey: Who is Danny Gatton? If you are a guitarist you probably already know. Danny’s mastery of blues, jazz, rock, country, bluegrass and rockabilly so overwhelmed other guitarists, they called him “The Humbler“. Though he never got the accolades he deserved in his short life, Danny Gatton has often been cal
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