Виктория Иванова Калитка/ V. Bujukli Romance

Виктория Иванова. Калитка. Cтаринный русский романс (А. Обухов - А. Будищев). Оркестр русских народных инструментов, дирижер В. Федосеев. 1965. Victoria Ivanova. Kalitka. Old Russian Romance (A. Obukhov - A. Budischev). Russian Folk Orchestra, conducted by V. Fedoseev. Recorded in 1965. The painters are , , . “Kalitka “ (a little gate in the back side of a garden) “As soon as evening becomes dark blue As soon as stars sparks in the sky, And dew beautify like pearls silver rime(frost) of bird cherry tree, Open the little gate gently and come in to quiet garden like shadow. Dont forget dark mantlet and wear lace to your head. I will wait you near garden arbour, Where the branches interlaces thickly, and on the threshold of arbour I will turn lace off beloved lips. Open the little gate gently and come in to quiet garden like shadow, dont forget dark mantlet and wear lace to your head&quo
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