How to prevent screw fracture|【Chris Chang Ortho】CC657

Orthodontic Advanced Education after COVID-19 COVID-19 has impacted many industries in the world, including ours, and this has led me to reconsider the methods for orthodontic education. During this period, even if you had gone to the United States to learn orthodontics, most courses would have been taught primarily with online videos. Therefore, is there actually any real educational difference between studying online lessons in the United States and doing exactly the same thing in Taiwan? If there is no discernable difference between the two, then I personally would prefer being trained in the comfort of my home in Taiwan. Why spend so much time and money going to the United States to receive the same education? Now, a perfect solution has presented itself. The International Medical College (IMC) of the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE), Germany, contacted us in the hope that we could provide them with a prerequisite orthodontic program. In addition to learning comprehensive orthodontics in t
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