Best Way To Mix Rock & Metal Distorted Guitars | 3 Secrets You Need To Know

💥 Download my Favorite FREE Mixing and Mastering Plugins Guide: . The way many of us mix guitars in dense genres like rock and metal is fundamentally flawed. This video walks you through 3 unique ways to mix guitars that will add clarity, width, and space to your song without sacrificing guitar tone! Once you master this new approach to mixing guitars, your songs will have so much more power and translate better regardless of where it is played. 💥PLUGINS💥 🔗Waves L2 Limiter: 🔗Waves C6 Sidechain Compressor: 🔗GGD Invasion (Drum Tones): 💥MY STUDIO GEAR💥 🔊Studio Monitors: ⬛Mix Cube: 🎧Headphones: 🔴Recording Interface: 🔧Sonarworks Room Correction:
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